Senin, 16 November 2015

Willughbeia sarawakensis

Descriptions :
One of the rare pieces of Borneo, local people call it "Gitak/Kubal". This vine fruit I refer to as the fruit of paradise, one of the most delicious fruit I've ever eaten. You must have it...

Jumat, 13 November 2015

Baccaurea angulata

Descriptions :
Baccaurea Angulata usually the local call it with "rosok" or "belimbing darah". Not many people who know this fruit. It has a sweet taste and fresh. Very beautiful view it mature trees.

Kamis, 12 November 2015

Prainea limpato

Descriptions :
Prainea limpato is one of the rare fruit of Borneo. With unusual shapes and strange, has a sweet taste watery. Many experts are very amazed with this species. The fruit is very hard to find and extremely rare.